Karmic 9.10 new kernel BAD!

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 2 16:13:14 UTC 2009

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> If there is anything worth contributing, it may be my opinion that
> there should updates/upgrades to 'broken' packages in Hardy (what's
> the point of a LTS again?) such as pidgin not talking to Yahoo or
> Open Office not opening docx files.

The LTS bit refers to support, and has no necessary bearing on

I'd expect an LTS to be three years of stability (in the
unchanging sense of the word), and would expect people who want new
features and changing software to upgrade to the new distros. Surely
the point of releasing non-LTS is to keep the people who like frequent
upgrades and featureset changes happy?

I wouldn't expect an LTS to keep version parity with newer,
shorter-term releases, because then it *is* those releases and is no
longer an LTS.

Avi Greenbury
http://aviswebsite.co.uk ;)

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