ubuntu to ubuntu file sharing

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 2 08:06:01 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:

> On 12/01/2009 04:47 PM, Alan McKay wrote:
> > Because he should be using NFS for UNIX-to-UNIX file transfers, no?
> It's certainly an option, but the grand answer is not necessarily. He
> can easily use samba, and in fact samba is the default on Ubuntu
> karmic (you can google it). If he has Win machines on his network,
> then it's just as easy to configure samba all around.

Generally, with nix-nix file sharing it does make sense to point out
NFS. It's substantially easier to configure and use than Samba, and, in
my experience, vastly more reliable and consistent, as you yourself
point out:

>    There are considerable differences between flavours of samba
> on 8.04, 9.04, and 9.10. I've found that for the most part samba
> w/9.10 just works across my machines. I suspect the same for NSF.

This depends, of course, on what the problem behind OP's question is.
If he just wants to share files between the boxes, my opinion is that
NFS is the better way to do it. If he specifically wants to do it with
Samba, personally I'd question why before getting into the details of
the different ways to implement Samba between different versions of
ubuntu - his problem with NFS that Samba solves might well be better
solved by something else. I do feel Samba is touted as _the_ way to
share files far too much (and this does seem rather peculiar to
ubuntu). It's a complicated system, it's really easy to configure it as
an insecure one and generally non-trivial to configure it as a
consistent and functional one. Certainly there's far more to it than
for NFS.

Anyway, I've nothing of a technical nature to add to this thread - NFS
has been done and Samba pointedly refuses to be understood by me - so
I'll shut up now.

Avi Greenbury
http://aviswebsite.co.uk ;)

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