Reading a variable line by line with while loop

PleegWat pleegwat at
Tue Dec 1 22:01:47 UTC 2009

Alan McKay wrote:
>> echo "$Variable" | while read
>> ...
>> done
>>    has better chances of working.
> This method has gotchas though, and I try to avoid it.  The pipe
> causes the while to execute in a sub shell and so any variable changes
> you make inside the loop will be lost when you get out of the loop.
> For this reason I often actually create a file and do the redirect as
> per the original post
> e.g.
> while stuff
> do
> done < file

Another (bash-specific) solution:

while condition
do stuff
done < <(command)

The <(command) construct runs `command`, redirects stdout to a pipe, and 
returns the name of the named pipe.

This construct has the disadvantages of being bash-specific and 
resulting in hard-to-read code.

Two more solutions specifically for input from a variable: Heredoc

while condition
do stuff
done <<EOF

Or herestring (bash-specific)

while condition
do stuff
done <<< "$variable"


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