Reading a variable line by line with while loop

Ray Parrish crp at
Tue Dec 1 17:03:35 UTC 2009

Avi Greenbury wrote:
> Ray Parrish wrote:
>> Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:
>> Thank you! That worked great! Now I wonder is there is another great
>> sed command that will remove redundancy in the bash history, so no
>> command line is repeated in the final results in the $History
>> variable?
> man uniq
> which requires you to sort it, too:
> man sort
> since it checks for repeated (consecutive) lines. If order matters,
> you'll need something more complicated. 
> sed can probably be made to do it, but piping through sort and uniq is
> probably nicer.
> --
> Avi Greenbury
> ;)
Thank you very much for the pointers! The following amended code is 
working great!

# Sort the bash history into a temporary file so uniq can eliminate all 
duplicate lines.
sort -d ~/.bash_history >"$DirectoryName/BashHistory.tmp"
# Read that file into a variable, and replace all space characters in 
the file with __ [double underlines]
History=`sed 's/ /__/g' "$DirectoryName/BashHistory.tmp"`
# Write amended history back to temp file.
echo "$History" >"$DirectoryName/BashHistory.tmp"
# Eliminate redundant lines in the History variable.
History=`uniq -u "$DirectoryName/BashHistory.tmp"`

I didn't really want to write it back to file again, but I couldn't 
figure out how to read from the $History variable with the uniq command, 
I got the error that there was an extra parameter when i used the 
following line for uniq.

HIstory=`unig -u $History`
uniq: extra operand `./'

I would rather keep the data in the variable and work on it there, 
instead of writing it back to file just to read it off the disk again. 
That's a bit inefficient.

Later, Ray Parrish

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