Convert .swf to .avi or mpeg

Ray Parrish crp at
Mon Aug 31 20:56:54 UTC 2009

Fred Roller wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-06-26 at 13:51 -0400, Fred Roller wrote:
>> Thanx, I'll try both and post results.
> Both softwares failed.  Further research explained that swf is a
> partially compiled code and flv are not.  Linux does not seem to have
> anything that will decompile the swf for conversion.  Video is not my
> area of expertise.  Guess I'll just try some other desktop recorders
> which save in other formats.  There are plenty of solutions for
> converting to swf out there to include the above mentioned.  Wink has
> exporting to flv and other formats.
I have found gtk-recordmydesktop to be a very capable desktop recording 
program, and it saves in .ogg format which is easily convertible to 
other formats with oggconvert or one of the command line video file 
conversion programs.

Later, Ray Parrish

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