Problem system>admin>users and groups

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Aug 30 15:19:47 UTC 2009

2009/8/30 ashwin1711 <ashwin1711 at>:
> but do you know how do i take back my real id and home in ubuntu

First logon as whoever you can and see if your home folder is still
there (/home/aswin, or whatever your username was).  If it is then
take a backup copy of it as insurance.

Then this link may help
There are several suggestions, read through the whole thread carefully
first and make sure you understand what you are doing at each step so
you do not make matters worse.  If you do not understand one of the
steps use google to help you work out what it means.

Keep a note of what you do and what happens in case you get stuck so
we can help further.

Good luck


> On 30/08/2009, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:
>> ashwin1711 wrote:
>>> Dear sir,
>>> I have got problem with my Ubuntu.I
>>> was running quiet well but I went in System>admin>users and group
>>> problem and I make some changes there.
>>> '1)I add New users there to click on add user
>>> 2)I I wrote real name and username and passwords
>>> 3)Moved as a Administrator
>>> 3) went in the groups and delete home from there
>>> and click on ok after that I open terminal it says in place of my real
>>> username ashwn deleted and it wrote there I have no name at ashwn-laptop
>>> and after signout I could not open with my username and password.Now I
>>> am accessing only with the name of user which I add in last but I
>>> could not make change in users and group now because it and there is
>>> no
>>> it says you are not allowed to system administration
>>> please help me
>>       The problem is not with your Ubuntu. The problem is YOU! NEVER change
>> what was there in users and groups. If you can remember try and put the
>> things back in that you deleted.
>>       If your using 9.04 Ubuntu I can send you a picture of my users and
>> groups which are not changed.
>> 73 Karl
>> --
>>       Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
>>       Linux User
>>       #450462
>>          Key ID = 3951B48D
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