error creating the child process for this terminal

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Sun Aug 30 12:59:52 UTC 2009

--- On Sun, 8/30/09, sam R <samcalc2 at> wrote:

> From: sam R <samcalc2 at>
> Subject: Re: error creating the child process for this terminal
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
> Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 7:16 AM
> If you claim that 9.04 is stable, then how
> come everything was working fine until I upgrade from 8.10
> to 9.04
> 1-      /dev/pts is not
> mounted  you have to do it
> manually
> 2-      CTRL+ALT+F1 don’t
> not work
Please post in plain text; it's the Ubuntu way.
To answer your question; You most likely did something wrong during the upgrade like maybe not having the old version completely up-to-date or the like.  I find the best way to upgrade is to use the live or alternate CD and put the new distribution on it's own separate partition.  I do all my upgrades that way and experience much less problems with the possibility of having remnants of the old distro remaining on the new install. Others have had this sort of issue.
So, If you have a read/write CD or DVB drive then download the alt or live CD and burn the iso image to disk and install from the CD you create or you can get a free live CD from shipit.  If you are short of disk space then install over the current install.  I find the alt CD allows me to easier do what I want to do manually regarding partitioning and placing the install where I want it on my HDD.
FTR, most people that install Jaunty have little of no problems especially with a fresh install vs. an upgrade. I quit doing upgrades a long time ago because they tend to be problematic; but others will disagree and this is my opinion based on my experience. I have several Ubuntu version on my HDD but rarely go back to the older ones as the new ones are always better for me and they are always a fresh install.
TMALSS, I'd recommend you burn an alt Jaunty iso or order a free one(it will be the live CD, they don't ship the alt CD, I think) and do a fresh install and see if this fixes your problem.  If not, they report back with the error output from your issues and someone should be able to help you based on the error output you experienced.
In my case, I have a fairly new Gateway 5656GT, AMD 64-X2 cpu with nVidia MB and Jaunty just worked without having to do any manual setup.  My biggest problem is having to reinstall my Brother MFC 490CW MF printer drivers every time I upgrade as Ubuntu doesn't have the drivers thanks to Brother not releasing the necessary data but it's easy enough to do just a little detailed.
So. give it a try and I think you will be happy with a good fresh Jaunty install. Hope this is of benefit; Jaunty is good.  Enjoy.
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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