How do I detect that a jump drive is mounted?

Fred Roller froller at
Sat Aug 29 03:49:00 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 20:23 -0700, Knute Johnson wrote:
> Fred Roller wrote:
> > On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 15:18 -0700, Knute Johnson wrote:
> >> I've got a jump drive that I use to back up some files at night.  Is 
> >> there a simple way in a script that I can check to see that the drive is 
> >> mounted?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> -- 
> >>
> >> Knute Johnson
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > A better option may be to have the script run your backup when the jump
> > drive is inserted.  Found this article on someone doing similar for
> > their back up scenario.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > In the first suggestion using the "rules" I personallyhad some success
> > but was trying things with vmware at the time.
> > 
> > the second suggestion, the one the OP used, seems to be the best fit for
> > your situation.  You could also search 
> > 	"ubuntu run script on usb insert" 
> > which yielded a number of options.  Hope it's helpful.
> Thanks for the response.  I'm leaving the jump drive plugged in all the 
> time so that's not a great option for me.  Secondly I'm running the 
> server version so it doesn't automatically mount jump drives.  On second 
> thought, how does that automatic mounting work?  Is there a program I 
> could install that would automount it?
> -- 
> Knute Johnson

Generally speaking, udev handles the auto mounting I think.  You also
have the option to add your own rules, read (from command line):
	less /etc/udev/rules.d/README
	man udev
	man udevadm
	man udevd

I did something similar about a year ago (which is why I can't just spit
out a solution for you ;)).  At any rate, the solution detected the usb
drive on insertion->mounted to a specific location->ran a backup
script->unmounted the drive->beeped when completed.  The usb detection
activated on specifically on the drive label.  

The only issue I couldn't get over was the shadow icon on the desktop
that were left behind.  (I was using a GUI for the user).  Since you are
not using a GUI this would not matter.  

My script was nothing more than the commands I would use if running
manually with the && (double and sign) after each to ensure successful
completion before moving on.

Others here that know a heck of lot more than I do can probably help
flesh out the details.  I remember it not being hard at all once I
understood the udev rules.


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