Ubuntu 64bits on PowerEdge 1750

Fred Roller froller at tnclimited.com
Fri Aug 28 12:35:35 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 14:19 +0200, Alexandre Westfahl wrote:
> Hi,
> I just got a PowerEdge 1750 (bi-Xeon 2.8GHz), it can take up to
> 8GBytes of memory. 
> Due to 32bits limitation, that means it can take a 64bits system
> right?
> So why can't I install Ubuntu 64?
> It says something like "no amd64 found, you have a i1586" (note the
> "1586" which written instead of 586 I guess).
> I know this is an Intel and not amd architecture but I'm suppose to be
> able to use my 8GB of memory with an 64bits system, isn't it?
> Has anyone got a similar problem?
> Thanks
> Alex 

It doesn't appear to be a 64bit processor.  Have you tried using ubuntu
server with pae kernel.  (pae = physical addressing extension, i
believe)  The pae will allow you to see upto 64 Gb of RAM.  I beleive
Ubunutu Server has PAE be default.
Fred R.

"Life is like Linux - simple; if you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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