some questions about using Ubuntu

loody miloody at
Fri Aug 28 06:50:26 UTC 2009


2009/8/26 Andrew Farris <flyindragon1 at>:
> On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 16:32 +0800, loody wrote:
>> Dear all:
>> I have several question about using Ubuntu.
>> 1. Is there hot key to switch desktop?
>> I google the keyword and find the alt+ctl+left/right will be ok,
>> and I also find my keyboard hotkey setting is correct as the attach png.
>> But it is still fail, except alt+up/down I set manully.
>> Did I missing something?
> technically they're 'workspaces' not 'desktops' but meh...
> depends on how your virtual workspaces are arranged. These shortcuts
> should work properly, unless you have all your workspaces in a column.
> Is the ctrl+alt+left/right key combo used for anything else?
>> 2. I want to change the color of directory and google it,
>> But I cannot find the config file that store the setting of my color
>> of directory.
>> ( I also man dir_colors)
>> Is it /etc/profile, ~/.bashrc or something els?
> This I can't say for sure as I've never used it, but any CLI
> customizations you make that you want to apply only to you /should/ go
> in your ~/.bashrc file. The thread link you included seems to be an
> excellent resource on the subject. I suggest reading through the "man
> dir_colors" carefully, and applying the suggested changes in your
> ~/.bashrc file.
> Hope that's helpful :)
thanks for your help,

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