Getting X to init corectly W/O a monitor conected
Florian Diesch
diesch at
Thu Aug 27 18:21:43 UTC 2009
stan <stanb at> writes:
> I have a mcahine that lives in a rack. All the machines in tis rack share a
> common KVM. This is an older KVM ,ad does not provide the corect response
> to querying for things like monitor resolution, etc, when the machine doing
> the querying is not slected to the monitor/keyboard.
> Keyboard and mouse configure corectly, when this machine is booted, but X
> does not. X comes up in a very low res/low color config.
> I was thinking that I should be able to put an approriate modeline in
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf, like you did back in the bad old days when X was not
> auto configuring.
> Soemone on this list sugested that I would be better off using xrandr. I
> don't know which way is better.
I would change xorg.conf so that the X server has the right config when
it starts. xrandr only lets you change the config of a running X server.
You need to set HorizSync, VertRefresh and maybe DisplaySize, too.
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