Sound System Failure - Or Deaf Old Man...

Larry Shields larryesu at
Thu Aug 27 11:58:25 UTC 2009

Joseph wrote:
> Larry Shields wrote:
>> Joseph wrote:
>>> I'm using Ubuntu 9.04, the Jaunty Jackalope...   or Crusty 
>>> Cockroach....   :)
>>> I loaded the 8.04 and it suggested the new 9.04....    so I did.  I 
>>> noticed that it does sounds for KNetWalk and a couple of other things, 
>>> but when I play a YouTube video, it does nothing.  I had to load a 
>>> program (I forget which one), so the videos would play...   I now can 
>>> play the video, but there's still no sound, except for what sounds like 
>>> a waterfall....
>>> I'd run sudo pulseaudio --system and got this:
>>> jlsnurr at jlsnurr-den:~$ sudo pulseaudio --system
>>> W: main.c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-exit not set!
>>> W: main.c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-module-loading not set!
>>> N: main.c: Running in system mode, forcibly disabling SHM mode!
>>> N: main.c: Running in system mode, forcibly disabling exit idle time!
>>> E: pid.c: Daemon already running.
>>> E: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.
>>> How can I get my audio system working?
>> *Check your settings use "alsamixer", then use the right arrow to move 
>> to each setting, the up arrow moves the setting from off to as high as 
>> it will go...
>> See if this helps... ;-)
>> Larry
>> *
> Larry, I checked that, and everything is wide open...   should be full 
> volume....    but nothing.
*Ok Joseph, that's all that I had to do when I had no audio...

Sorry, but I do not have any other ideas, except use google to see if 
anyone else has solved the problem...

Have a nice day...


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"This is Linux Country,
on a quiet night you can hear

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