top sort by high cpu util processes

Amedee Van Gasse (Ubuntu) amedee-ubuntu at
Thu Aug 27 08:21:13 UTC 2009

On Thu, August 27, 2009 03:44, Noah Garrett Wallach wrote:
> Hi there,
> Is there any way to get 'top' to sort by high cpu util processes
> top -o cpu is not working for me.
> ~$ top -o cpu
>          top: unknown argument 'o'
> usage:  top -hv | -bcisSH -d delay -n iterations [-u user | -U user] -p
> pid [,pid ...]

Hi there,

Have you tried htop? It's top on steroids:

$ sudo aptitude install htop
$ htop

Then press F6 to change the sort order.

Kind regards,

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