Internet access : connecting to broadband using log-in and password ??

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Aug 26 16:41:38 UTC 2009

2009/8/26 Colin Law <clanlaw at>:
> 2009/8/26 Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at>:
>> On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 18:05:58 +0200
>> Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
>>> Your assumption that it is "Alcatel Speedtouch"
>> Yeah, it's not an assumption, I did see the modem and his user
>> manual... it IS a speedtouch...just can't remember if there was a more
>> detailled identification string than just "speedtouch"...
>>> points to ADSL and not cable devices.
>> YUep as I mentionned in an earlier e-mail, it is ADSL. I refered to
>> cable when speaking of my own modem, not my dads. SOrry if I was
>> unclear or confusing...
>>> If that is correct you could probably use
>>> the networkmanager setup for DSL or use pppoeconf.
>> Will try.
>>> But if it is something else, maybe someone has an idea if you can tell us the name of
>>> the device. And from what I read, it looks like many cable modems work
>>> with proprietary Windows only drivers :(
>> It's not a cable modem, but all the cable modems my ISP gave me
>> through the years, were all external devices connected to the computer
>> via Ethernet, so no drivers needed : DHCP magic does it all
>> automatically ! :-)
>> From all the responses I got so far, it seems that my question is out
>> of the ordinary, to my surprise, and I don't get a quick ans straight
>> forward answer. I can only assume that the ADSL modems used in France
>> are different than other countries ! So I will try posting on the
>> French Ubuntu forum. Since 95% of the people will already be using a
>> similar modem, just about every body on that forum ought to be able to
>> answer accurately and quickly, since they have already face the problem.
>> Thanks to everyone who helped...
> I think it would be worth just trying it. If you don't want to install
> Ubuntu then just boot off the install CD and run Ubuntu from there.
> Anything you setup will not be saved but it will let you check it out.
>  Alternatively just setup a dual boot on the PC so that XP still works
> and then play with Ubuntu.
> The reason you are not getting an answer is that no-one has heard of a
> recent modem/router that cannot be setup with the username and
> password via its web interface.  Are you sure you have looked through
> the modem manual looking for a page where you set these up?  Having
> done this the modem will connect to the ISP without the involvement of
> the PC.

I have just looked up Alcatel Speedtouch on google and realised that
you may be talking about a USB modem rather than a modem/router.  Is
this correct, that is does it plug into the PC via a usb port or into
an ethernet port?


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