THIS SUCKS! 3G problems

art artmartz at
Wed Aug 26 03:42:22 UTC 2009

Doug Saylor wrote:
> BUT... when I hover over Modem Manager, it says "Firmware Not Loaded and no Modem Detected"
Wait a minute, somethings not right here, I don't have a separate icon 
to "hover over". First off, the version of modemmanager I'm running is 
0.2.get.20090806t105932.354a4cb-0ubuntu2~mm1~jaunty. I've got the 3rd 
party software source set to I'm going back thru 
what I looked up for modemmanager when I installed it, and this was one 
I don't have modemmanager icons or anything, it's just in there with 
networkmanager. What version did you install and how?

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