Cleaning up after a script on shut down

Heike C. Zimmerer nospam08q2 at
Tue Aug 25 11:08:02 UTC 2009

Oliver Grawert <ogra at> writes:

> hi,
> Am Sonntag, den 23.08.2009, 16:22 -0700 schrieb Ray Parrish:
>> I just need to remove two files on shutdown, but their names change with 
>> the PID of the script.
> if its a shell script, use the trap call at the top of your code, it
> will automatically run the cleanup function if it catches one of the
> listed signals (1 2 3 6 9 15):
> --- snip ---
> trap cleanup 1 2 3 6 9 15
> cleanup(){
> ...

In bash, you can set a trap on exit:

    ... cleanup code ...
  trap cleanup EXIT

This will catch all possible reasons for exit, including notmal return
and signals other than the ones you named.


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