Debian: contempt for "end user" values has to stop!"

Derek Broughton derek at
Mon Aug 24 14:50:40 UTC 2009

Siggy Brentrup wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 19:37 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:

>> Ah, I see.  I blame Amedee (the previous post to mine was posted to
>> Sounder but with Followups set to User).
> Quite meager for an apology, still I don't see what justifies a
> followup to a technical list: *I'm still blaming YOU*.

What on earth makes you think it was an apology?  I didn't "followup to a 
technical list", I replied to a post maligning me.  It wasn't my fault that 
the response was redirected, though I admit it _was_ possible for me to have 
noticed it and corrected it.  You don't like it  ...  tough.

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