Debian: contempt for "end user" values has to stop!"

Odd iodine at
Sun Aug 23 11:54:40 UTC 2009

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Cameron Hutchison wrote:
>> you write:
>>> Bullshit.  Nothing is more calculated to rouse my dander than to suggest
>>> I'm
>>> ignorant.  I'm quite aware of the differences between Lamarckism and
>>> Darwinism. [...]
>> Why did you take this from -sounder to -users?
> Complain to Amedee about changing the followups.

You're the one continuing posting off-topic on this list.
You're either very childish or very stupid.

>> The swearing on this list would also be against the code of conduct (I'm
>> guessing).
> Get a life.

Childish it is then. Kindergarden brats should stay away
from the internet. Come back when you're 10 years older.


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