setenv and export

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Fri Aug 21 11:13:02 UTC 2009

Kipton Moravec wrote:
> I am trying to setup java to do serial port stuff, and I do not know
> java, I just want to run a stupid program. So I have to install Sun Java
> Communications API for Linux.
> One of the steps is:
> 2. If you are using JDK (not JRE) Add comm.jar to your classpath.
>  Example: If you don't have a CLASSPATH set currently,
>      % setenv CLASSPATH `pwd`/comm.jar
> or,  if you have something in your CLASSPATH already,
>     % setenv CLASSPATH `pwd`/comm.jar:$CLASSPATH 
> --------------
> And setenv does not work. Because it is not a bash command which is the
> default for most of the Linux operating systems. It is a c shell
> command.
> Fortunately I was able to search and find that export is the equivalent
> command.
> Showed I did not have anything in the class path.
> export CLASSPATH=/home/kip/APRS/bin
    This looks like a java application for Amateur Radio. There is a guy 
who does this as a hobby. He is:

Pete Loveall AE5PL Lists <HamLists at>

    Pete is an expert code writer to java. And he has a program written 
to do a TNC on a serial port with APRS data flowing.

73 Karl

> But it is not persistent across booting. Do I have to initialize it each
> time I want to run my program (which is from boot-up to shutdown).
> How is the best way to do this?
> What is 'pwd' in the example, and why is it there? (Does it make it
> persistent?)
> Kip

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