if statement

Ray Parrish crp at cmc.net
Thu Aug 20 20:28:08 UTC 2009

PleegWat wrote:
> Ray Parrish wrote:
>>     if  [ $interval == "" ]
>>         then
>>             interval=300; # five minutes default setting
>>             echo "interval blank";
>>     fi
> If you run a test on a variable that may be empty, quote it. Often you 
> see a character appended to the variable and the variable being tested 
> against that, but I've never found that to be necessary
> if [ "$interval" == "" ]
> then
> 	interval=300; # five minutes default setting
> 	echo "interval blank"
> elif [ $interval -lt 200 ]
> then
> 	interval=200; # 3 min 20 minimum setting
> 	echo "interval increased to minimum 200 seconds"
> fi
> should work
> PleegWat
Your method makes sense to me, and I have adopted your code as the 
current form for my project's usage.

Thank you for the help, Ray Parrish

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