shell scripting - using a here document in a background job

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Thu Aug 20 16:01:10 UTC 2009

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Steve Flynn<anothermindbomb at> wrote:
> I have a requirement to kick of a number of background processes from
> within a shell script. It's actually 5 copies of sqlplus to run in
> parallel, each one calling a stored procedure within Oracle with a
> slightly different parameter. For example:
> sqlplus ${user}/${password}@${database} & << EOF
> execute table_analyze(${core_user});
> /

Typical - send the post and then realise the glaring error. Sorted now.

For info, the call to sqlplus should be:

sqlplus ${user}/${password}@${database} << EOF &

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