Computer problem

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Wed Aug 19 22:02:52 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 20:52 +0000, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> > I have a new mother board from Gigabyte and a new cpu installed properly
> > I think. The power supply attaches in a normal way to the ATX plug and
> > to the ATX-DVI 12 volt 4 pin plug.
> > 
> >     The two external fans run fine. I get no video from the computer. I
> > have neither a keyboard or a mouse attached yet. The cpu fan connects to
> > the normal 4 pin connector on the mother board but it does not run. I
> > measured high voltages with 5volts looking like 6 volts and 12 volts is
> > 14 volts.

Hows the health of your PSU? It could be dying/inadequate.
What's your PSU's rating?

> That said, I seem to remember ( but can't find a reference :( ) that it 
> may take some time for the CPU fan to turn on. Some modern systems, 
> AFAIK, just turn on the fan when the CPU really needs it, typically not 
> during the first seconds after powering up the system.

Actually this isnt true, afaik. Typically, all your fans (CPU included)
start at 'full power' (unless they have a manual speed dial of some
sort) until BIOS ACPI kicks in, which then ramps them down to the
desired range.

Depending on how fast your BIOS boots/how many fans you have/other
things, you many never experience this...but on rigs I've built, this
has always been the case.

(for the record: 12x120mm 2200RPM fans kicking into full tilt is a
terrifying sound, if you're not ready for it)

Beware of a dark-haired man with a loud tie.

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