Oracle11 odbc driver Needed

Martin McCormick martin at
Wed Aug 19 21:09:51 UTC 2009

We need to use php to access an Oracle11 server. Not being
familiar with this before, I have spent a very confusing couple
of months only to find that I am probably making this much
harder than it needs to be as we are not running apache or X on
the system in question. Is there an ODBC for Oracle11 that runs
under Linux?

	I had installed Oracle's instantclient for Oracle11 on
the system in question and was very confused as to what to do
next as php5-cli didn't know how to handle the OCI commands in
the script we need to run. Since I didn't know what to ask, I
didn't know what to do next. A coworker explained to me what I
need for which I amgrateful, but feel a bit stupid at this time.

	When I did an aptitude search odbc, I got 43 hits but
nothing with Oracle11 in it.

	The Oracle11 server we are connecting to uses encrypted
communications so that is why it must be Oracle11.

	Thanks for any information.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Telecommunications Services Group

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