What executable is Database server (mysql-ndb)?

Siggy Brentrup ubuntu at psycho.i21k.de
Tue Aug 18 12:48:11 UTC 2009

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 13:08 +0200, Detlef Lechner wrote:
> Hi,
> if System > Administration > Services (Services Settings) > 'Database
> server > (mysql-ndb)' is asserted, what program will Ubuntu 9.04 call at
> bootup time?

Ever heard about apt-file ?  I'm a bit startled ppl on #ubuntu-de
didn't already point you to it.

I'll show you, earning you a honorable mention in my score file.

% apt-file --help
apt-file version 2.2.0
(c) 2002 Sebastien J. Gross <sjg at debian.org>

apt-file [options] action [pattern]

Configuration options:
    --sources-list     -s  <file>       sources.list location
    --cache            -c  <dir>        Cache directory
    --architecture     -a  <arch>       Use specific architecture
    --cdrom-mount      -d  <cdrom>      Use specific cdrom mountpoint
    --non-interactive  -N               Skip schemes requiring user input
                                        (useful in cron jobs)
    --package-only     -l               Only display packages name
    --fixed-string     -F               Do not expand pattern
    --ignore-case      -i               Ignore case distinctions
    --regexp           -x               pattern is a regular expression
    --verbose          -v               run in verbose mode
    --dummy            -y               run in dummy mode (no action)
    --help             -h               Show this help.
    --version          -V               Show version number

    update                              Fetch Contents files from apt-sources.
    search|find        <pattern>        Search files in packages
    list|show          <pattern>        List files in packages
    purge                               Remove cache files
% sudo apt-file update
#### this may take some time
% apt-file find mysql-ndb
mysql-server-5.0: /etc/init.d/mysql-ndb
mysql-server-5.0: /etc/init.d/mysql-ndb-mgm

Look into these scripts to learn which binaries are started,
I don't use mysql.

Please don't Cc: me when replying, I might not see either copy.
               or:                bsb-at-psycho-dot-i21k-dot-de
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