Trying to fix a package install/update

Siggy Brentrup ubuntu at
Tue Aug 18 10:19:11 UTC 2009

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 09:44 +0000, marc wrote:
> The autokey package failed to update for me yesterday.
> Here's the result of aptitude upgrade:
> The error: ImportError: No module named configobj
> looked like a typical Python issue, so I tried installing
> python-configobj, but that fails:
> Any ideas how to clear this up? I'm happy to purge autokey. Thanks.

First of all you should report this as a bug.  From the 1st pastebin
and naming I assume configobj should be part of autokey but isn't
accessible. ATM I can't check because my Ubuntu box is very busy
shuffling data around (load >4 on a single CPU).

Please don't Cc: me when replying, I might not see either copy.
               or:                bsb-at-psycho-dot-i21k-dot-de
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