New systems

Bill Marcum marcumbill at
Sat Aug 15 16:07:17 UTC 2009

On 2009-08-15, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:
>     I was surprised to discover Canonical owns Ubuntu and provides 
> Engineering support to the new versions of Ubuntu. I was looking for 
> Ubuntu version 9.10 Beta but it does't seem to be available yet.
>     I see no information about what I thought was a worked out plan to 
> use Ubuntu as the base desktop system and some Google input to give the 
> desktop a "Google look". This will be the Google entry into competition 
> with Microsoft.
You might be thinking of the gOS distribution. I think Wal-Mart was selling
PCs with that for a while. This was before Google announced plans for 
the Chrome OS.

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