Best cheap laptop for linux?

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Aug 14 21:54:36 UTC 2009

On 08/14/2009 02:22 PM, Brian McKee wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 8:43 PM, NoOp<glgxg at> wrote:
>> Mohamad, *Please* turn this *off* when replying to this list. *Nobody*
>> on the list: 1) cares if you are just learning to use GnuPG/Enigmail, 2)
>> will reply to your mail list post to you and the rest of the list via a
>> secure response.
> I respectfully disagree.  I will happily reply encrypted to people who
> use GPG whether the contents warrant it or not.
> The more encrypted mail running around the better to hide the
> sensitive stuff, and promote it's use.
> However, I do agree that Mohamad should investigate MIME attached
> rather than in line...
> Brian

I notice that you didn't reply to his post on this list encrypted & that
was pretty much my point. I've nothing against trading emails
GnuPG/Enigmail (yes I do have it installed & do use it and other
encryptions), but just think it's rather pointless to add 12 lines of
GnuPG/Enigmail info to a _list post_ (unless you are of course in the
enigmail/GnuPG list).
But I've now gotten this thread off topic & for that I apologize; any
further discussion can/should be in a new on topic thread.

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