Right Click as Admin

Chris Jones christopher.rob.jones at cern.ch
Fri Aug 14 18:14:09 UTC 2009

>> But he /did/ leave my name at the bottom (see below).  That /could/
>> count as attribution...
> True, apologies to Chris
> .
> Reading the guidelines again I see that it says 'Write your email
> underneath the email which you are replying to.'  This would not
> appear to allow inline additions.  That is not what is intended
> surely.

Point 4 says "Tailor your reply to fit the text which you are replying  
to.  Do not quote the whole of the previous email - remove any  
unnecessary text." - Which I take as "trim your posts"

I agree though point 3 could be worded better.

"Write your email underneath the email which you are replying to."

does seems at odds to point 4. I would suggest swapping points 3 and 4  
around, and rewriting point 3 as

"Write your reply below the trimmed text you are specifically replying  

or something like that.


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