Right Click as Admin

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Fri Aug 14 16:14:46 UTC 2009

> Chris, what you say would carry more weight were GNUbies advised of
> this /before/ getting onto this list.  There is no regular posting of
> the CoC, there is no notice of its existence when one subscribes to the
> list.  there is no pointer to the CoC anywhere on the list.  Yes, if
> one comes to the list from
> http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/mailinglists
> there is this single lonely sentence:
> "Please read the guidelines for use of the mailing lists at the
> etiquette page," 
> but it doesn't seem to carry the weight we'd all like to see users
> understand.

I can only agree with all the above.

> Personally, I'd like to see each and every list member /sign/ the
> danged CoC before being allowed to post to the list.  

I'm not sure about that. Probably enough to configure things so in order 
to get to the sign up page, you *have* to first go through the 
guidelines/CoC pages and click "I agree, please take me to the page to 
sign up". Maybe thats all you mean though by "sign" ...


> Maybe some stalwart list guru could implement that...
> Cybe R. Wizard

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