Right Click as Admin

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at aol.com
Thu Aug 13 18:30:50 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 21:02 -0600, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Wade Smart wrote:
> > OMGosh!!!!
> > I have done this over and over and I just noticed that - even 
>     Well Wade when you learn to tell us what the problem is, I will try 
> to help. Good bye, Karl

I think he fixed his own problem. Careful decoding of his original
message lead me to this translation:

<original text>
        I have done this over and over and I just noticed that - even
        though I had clicked execute - it wasnt taking. Im on my laptop
        for this now so I was having trouble with my trackpad mouse. Now
        that I noticed it wasnt clicked - it works - without being root.
        DUH!!! is all I can say to myself :D
</original text>

<translation to="en" from="bad-en">
        wow, I just figured it out.
        While repeatedly trying to run the script, I discovered that the
        problem was not with the script, rather my laptop's trackpad
        appears to be dying and tap-to-click didn't work right. By
        clicking on it normally, it runs as expected.
        I feel dumb now... thanks, list, for your patience.


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