Access to Linux (ext3) & Windows (FAT32) partitions (from Ubuntu 9.04)

Fred Roller froller at
Thu Aug 13 18:11:42 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 21:07 +0530, Jay Mistry wrote:
> Finally this post is what worked:
> , ie doing
> <sudo chmod 777 -R /media/Storage_1> for each of the ext3 partitions.

I have done this, just know it is a fully accessible directory on the

similar would be to set 770 on the Storage_1 and change ownership to
root:storage.  Anyone who needs access would need to be added to the
storage group.  Of course create the storage group. 

This is fyi of course.  Glad you got it working.  Good job.
Fred R.

"Life is like Linux - simple; if you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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