Script not working

Ray Parrish crp at
Thu Aug 13 17:29:48 UTC 2009

Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 09:00 -0700, Ray Parrish wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am having difficulty with a bash script. I want to loop through a file 
>> line by line looking for a certain word or phrase to be on a line. When 
>> I find the match, I want to load the next line into xclip.
>> Here is my code so far -
>> #!/bin/sh
>> saved=" "
>> while read f
>> do
>>     echo $f
>>     echo $1
>>     if  "${1}" = "${saved}" ; then
>>         xclip -in -selection clipboard $f
>>     else
>>         saved="$f"
>>     fi
>> #
>> done < /home/ray/.hidden/file.txt
> xclip is expecting to read from the *file* $f in the script and cannot
> find the file.  You want to change
> xclip -in -selection clipboard $f
> to
> echo $f | xclip -in -selection clipboard
I canged the code to the following before it would work properly. -

saved=" "
while read f
    if  [ "$1" = "$saved" ] ; then
        echo "${f}" | xclip -selection clipboard
done < /home/ray/.hidden/file.txt

Note the [] pair around the if condition... It was necessary to add 
those, to get this to work as well as piping $f through echo into xclip.

Later, Ray Parrish

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