NM bug? Ad-hoc network

Chris Mohler cr33dog at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 05:55:56 UTC 2009

I've been on the road recently, and needed to share my wired
connection with another machine (wirelessly).  So, right-clicked the
NM applet, selected 'Create Wireless Network' and no joy.  WPA, then
WEP, then wide open - no luck.  Then I installed 'dnsmasq-base' and
had no trouble at all.

So, I gather that you could create a new network with NM then enter
everything manually to get it to work - but should 'Create Wireless
Network' even be shown if it's going to be that much of a PITA?  IOW,
does it seem reasonable to file an enhancement request to make
wireless sharing easier?  I can't think of any reason why it should
not be extremely easy 'out of the box'.


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