OT: AMD cpu info

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 22:25:51 UTC 2009

    Today I learned a lot about AMD and Nvidia. The market went up but 
Nvidia went down. Suits me since I will never own another computer with 
nvidia video period :-)

    I went looking for a cheap fast cpu for my new computer which has a 
MP2+ socket. I discovered there were no cpu's for a socket like mine, 
they are all now today cpu for a MP3 socket :-(

    I asked more of Google and found where AMD stated the MP3 chips are 
MP2 chips with 2 terminals missing. A MP3 chip will run in an MP2 socket 
just fine :-P

    So it is ordered for $40.00 and it runs at 2 GHz which is 2 orders 
of magnitude above my current computer speed. I ordered from Circuit 
City which has a lot of chips for sale!

73 Karl

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