wireless driver

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at swhi.net
Wed Aug 12 16:32:32 UTC 2009

Douglas Pollard wrote:
> Doug Pollard wrote:
>> I have an older 933mghz Dell that I have Ubuntu8.04 running in.  I want 
>> it out in my shop. I bought an Encore wireless card and downloaded   a 
>> driver from their sight that is in a tarball.  I have been using Ubuntu 
>> several years but have  not  had any luck installing tarballs.  It's 
>> been a while  since I have tried and I have a little more knowhow with 
>> linux now.   I have been Googleing with some success for help but i 
>> thought someone might have a good sight to help me with this.     
>> Thanks, Doug
> Sorry guys I jumped to quick with this.  I was able to use an xp driver 
> with the ndiswrapper.  Simple simple!!!   I guess I need to install 
> something using a tarball and build it, at least once so I won't feel so 
> dopey :-)
>                                        thanks     Doug

While its always a good thing to gain knowledge, such as learning how to 
install from source or unpack a tarball, please use caution when working 
with package based systems such as Ubuntu/Debian and others.

Package based systems keep track of dependencies as well as allow for 
the automatic application of patches, etc.  When you install from source 
or non-package based binaries, you technically 'break' this ability to 
varying degrees.

Will there be rare instances when you may need this?  Sure...but do it 
armed with the knowledge of what the potential downsides are.  After 
all, this is Linux.  If you break it, you get to keep the pieces :)


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