jaunty slow on laptop

Raseel Bhagat raseelbhagat at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 05:52:52 UTC 2009

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Robert Holtzman <holtzm at cox.net> wrote:

> Just installed Jaunty on my Dell Latitude (1.8 GB Pentium, 1 GB RAM) and
> can't believe how slow it is. 3-5 second delay between clicking to
> expand xterm and when it expands, 2 second delay when using the up or
> down arrows to scroll, Mutt so slow responding to commands that at times
> I think it's frozen and have to bail out, even Alpine has a noticeable
> hesitation. Scrolling with the mouse wheel or the scroll bar is jerky
> and skips with the previously mentioned delay. Has anyone else
> experienced this or is the Holtzman Luck rearing it's head again?

I have been using Ubuntu on my Dell Latitude D630 (with 1 GB RAM) since
Ubuntu 7.10.
I have had no issues with it, even with Compiz 3D enabled.
Make sure you allocate a fair about of Swap space, say about 1 GB (although
IIRC, anything about 512 MB and the Swap space is mostly redundant.)

Also, like suggested you could try Xubuntu, or just install a lighter
Windowing environment like Fluxbox.

However, I do not think this is an issue of insufficient RAM or CPU.

I suspect something else has gone astray.

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