dpkg: serious warning: file list file for package 'package' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed - can't install any packages

Ryan Pugatch rpug at tripadvisor.com
Tue Aug 11 18:34:10 UTC 2009

Andrew Farris wrote:

> Have you tried doing a "sudo apt-get update"?  As far as I know, that
> should update the list files.  If that doesnt work, mayve moving the
> entire list directory then trying a "sudo apt-get update" might help as
> well.
> Just a thought...hope it's helpful!

Yeah, that didn't work.  That was one of the first things I tried.

But now that you mention it.. the list directory was missing.  I 
recreated it.

The problem now is the */list files are missing.

Also there are other dirs missing from /var/lib/dpkg such as 

Is there a way to just recreate everything that should be in /var/lib/dpkg?

Ryan Pugatch
Systems Administrator, TripAdvisor

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