karl's sig bug in evolution on hardy?

Carl Friis-Hansen ubuntuuser at carl-fh.com
Tue Aug 11 07:30:33 UTC 2009

On Tue, August 11, 2009 08:48, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 12:44:20PM -0600, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> Andrew Farris wrote:
>> >
>> > Evolution isnt cutting any sigs for me?
>> >
>> 	I seem to have -- on this message. Is this the proper place for it?
> Karl, is it "--" or :-- " with a space?

It is "-- " and a new line:

The formatting of the sig block is prescribed somewhat more firmly: it
should be displayed as plain text in a fixed-width font (no HTML, images,
or other rich text), and must be delimited from the body of the message by
a single line consisting of exactly two hyphens, followed by a space,
followed by the end of line (i.e., "-- \r\n").[1] This latter
prescription, which goes by many names, including "sig dashes", "signature
cut line", and "sig-marker", allows software to automatically mark or
remove the sig block as the receiver desires.


                           Carl Friis-Hansen
                           Phone: +46 372 15033

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