boot takes very long - about 25 secs

Derek Broughton derek at
Mon Aug 10 17:48:46 UTC 2009

Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote:

> 08/09/2009 01:51 PM, Amedee @ Ubuntu:
>> Canonical aims to have an Ubuntu that boots in 10 seconds by 10.4.
> Having a 10 sec boot time is easy. But you know it depends on
> installed services.

Well, no, that's the point of the 10 second boot proposal.  Scott's 
categorizing priorities - and for a desktop system, the first priority is X, 
and those things X depends on (primarily, aiui, udev).  So you will be able 
to start all the services you want, and some of them may not be active by 
the time you get to your desktop, but booting, starting X, starting [gkx]dm, 
logging in, and getting your desktop to display is supposed to happen within 
10 seconds on their reference system.  Probably slower on everybody else's 

> If you install a service, you agree with all the consequences
> of that installation.

Naturally, but as of next year, those consequences shouldn't include slow 
boot times.

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