Setting up internet connection

Steve Reilly sfreilly at
Sun Aug 9 14:21:10 UTC 2009

top posting removed
> Am 09.08.2009 15:41, Don Jungk schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> I have just installed KUBUNTU 8.04.2 on a new computer. The installation 
>> seemed to go fine, but networking doesn't work. It is connected via cable to 
>> a dsl modem/router. Another computer connected to the modem uses Auto/DHCP 
>> for the IP address. If I look at network settings, it shows eth0 is enabled. 
>> If I open the "configure" window, it is set to DHCP, but the "Automatic" 
>> radio button is not selected. (none is selected) I can select it, but the 
>> window always reopens with no button selected. I can't access the internet, 
>> nor can I see the other computer on the network.
>> According to the manual, it should just work with no configuration (as I have 
>> seen in other distributions)
>> Any ideas?
>> Thank you for your time,
>> Don

dsl modems around here (ny) you must connect the dsl modem to the wan
first before the modem can get an ip.  if im not mistaken you need to
open the web config of the dsl modem (look in documentation should be
something like or 1.1 something like that) and then login to
the wan with your username, password given to you.  there should be a
checkbox to remember the settings, and auto login on modem reboot or
power failure (check them)  after youve logged in to the wan, start up
your box,  if it is set to get an ip via dhcp, you should no longer have
problems accessing the net.

Steve Reilly

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