boot from USB on Shuttle

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Sat Aug 8 21:44:24 UTC 2009

The bios sees it as a hard drive but the setting is only usb-fdd,
usb-zip, usb-floppy.
I read on the shuttle forums that there have been problems booting
this shuttle via
thumb drive. You have to go into the bios, go to hard drive priority
and put the
thumb drive at the top, reboot and then you'll get in.

Registered Linux User: #480675
Linux since June 2005

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 16:39, Fred Roller<froller at> wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-08-08 at 10:33 -0500, Wade Smart wrote:
>> Third boot device - usb-fdd
> This is looking for a usb - fdd (aka floppy drive).  Does your bios
> offer usb - device?  The options I normally see are:
> usb - hdd
> usb - device (thumb drive, etc)
> usb - fdd (floppy)
> Earlier you mentioned a successful boot when you disconnected both hdd's
> and forgot the thumb drive.  What did the bios see the thumbdrive as?
> --
> Fred R.
> "Life is like Linux - simple; if you are fighting it, you are doing
> something wrong."
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