Have a grub problem I think

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at verizon.net
Sat Aug 8 16:40:32 UTC 2009

Nils Kassube wrote:
> Frans Ketelaars wrote:
>> Just a thought: if you use a USB keyboard could you try booting with
>> a PS/2 keyboard? Even using a USB keyboard plugged in another
>> (preferably on the mainboard) USB port might help. And make sure the
>> connectors are well seated and clean :)
> And another thought: Don't use a USB hub for the keyboard because maybe 
> your BIOS doesn't support a hub.
> Nils
That was it Niles  I tried plugging the USB keyboard into a usb jack on 
the machine and it worked.  So I don't have a grub problem.   Very Good 
and I learned something more, too.
                                          Thanks,  Doug

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