cant create bootable cd

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Sat Aug 8 04:23:45 UTC 2009

I have three computers running ubuntu 9.04 and none of them will
burn a cd. I have several cd-r's and 1 cdrw. All of the machines say
they are attempting to write but after a long period of time - they all
say finished and then eject the cd - but nothing is written on the cd's.


Registered Linux User: #480675
Linux since June 2005

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 21:49, Wade Smart<wadesmart at> wrote:
> Yea, the hardware does as does the cd.
> I just dont have another cdrw with me at the moment.
> Wade
> Registered Linux User: #480675
> Linux since June 2005
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 21:36, Sandy Harris<sandyinchina at> wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Wade Smart<wadesmart at> wrote:
>>> My cd with 9.04 seems to have errors so I thought I would blank it and
>>> then write it again. When I originally wrote this cd I was on 8.04. But
>>> now that Im on 9.04 (laptop) I cant write the cd. I get this error:
>>> "Please choose another cd: The size of the project is too large..."
>>> Its the same image I used originally, size is 699mb.
>> My guess would be it is trying to add the new image after the old
>> one & there isn't room for both. Not all CDs can be erased; both
>> the drive and the media must support that or it won't work. Are
>> you certain yours do support erasure?
>> Anyway, just use a fresh CD. They're cheap.
>> --
>> Sandy Harris,
>> Fuzhou, Fujian, China
>> --
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