Have a grub problem I think

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at verizon.net
Sat Aug 8 01:47:12 UTC 2009

My computer is a dual boot machine XP and Ubuntu9.04 on two drives.  I 
had EMC2  running in Ubunt 8.04   and it uses a different kernal that 
does not work well doing video I'm told.  I switched to 9.04 with a live 
dvd so that I might install Cinelerra.  Of course this meant 
repartitioning the Linux drive  I think something has gone  wrong with 
grub.  When the window comes up to pick an operating system I can not 
move the highlight  up and down the list   using the up and down 
arrows.    Also  when Ubuntu is highlighted and counting down to a 
start, the enter key will not start Ubuntu . I keeps on counting and 
then starts on it's own.  My machine is 64 bit  dual processor but I 
installed a 32 bit ubuntu 9.04 by mistake but  I plan to reinstall a 64 
bit version.  Might that fix my boot problem?
Thanks for any help,

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