
Fred Roller froller at
Thu Aug 6 13:14:56 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-08-06 at 00:08 -0400, Fred Roller wrote:
> 1. Printer - Need more information, type of printer? which ubuntu are
> you using?  Is the printer connected directly to the PC?
> 2. Encarta and corel Draw -  IF you NEED these M$ Windows programs
> then
> you should look into "Wine".  If you just need the equivalent then:
> Encarta - I don't know of a linux equivalent though their is a
> dictionary in the Applications->Office
> Coral Draw - Use Application->Graphics->GIMP Image Manipulator (come
> with the OS install in most cases)
> 3. I will leave the modem issue to some one more qualified; but, they
> will need more information about your modem and connection, and what
> you
> have tried to do so far.
> 4. You can request a free CD from:

Please remember to respond to the list so that all can benifit:

  Thanks for your response I thought my message will never be replied
and much happy about this, my type of modem is cdma desktop house fone.
It comes with a CD and if I plug it to my PC it will not be detected at
all.I think from here if can connect it through internet i can now talk
of dowlnoad wine. I still ask , does wine dont have cd, if YES i would
love to have a copy of it.If there is update of ubuntu please include
it, I mean new software of the UBUNTU, I have only 7.04,5.00 versons my
address: <snipped for your privacy>

Between your first post and this you seem to confuse Operating Systems.
Software written for Microsoft will not work on Linux OR Mac natively.
Therefore CD with drivers will not work with Linux unless Linux is
listed in the supported OS.   Linux does however have several
alternative equivalent software.

Since it would appear you are extremely new to Ubuntu/Linux we will
guide you to quite a bit of reading to help you through the learning
curve of a new OS.  Also, let us know what you found on your own in the
various search engines such as Google.  We can help verify and clarify
information you find.  To start read:


4. You can request a free CD from:

Fred R.

"Life is like Linux - simple; if you are fighting it, you are doing
something wrong."

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