nvidia graphics drivers / dual monitors question

samuel_b at dodo.com.au samuel_b at dodo.com.au
Thu Aug 6 06:52:05 UTC 2009

ubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:

> Try nvidia-settings as root. Its a GUI configuration tool that I have
> used successfully to get dual monitors up. From memory, you have to run
> it as root, otherwise it cannot write to xorg.conf.  
> # sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings
> # sudo nvidia-settings
> I don't know whether compiz will work, as I use a different WM. 
> Regards,
> Jaime

Hi Jamie,
Yes I use it as root. I've read a lot about it, seems many have the same problem second monitor does nothing, opens another x session, but you can't open anything on that screen. you can however make a folder on the desktop and go into files from that, but all programs open on the other desktop. And Twin view only works on Dual-head cards, not two separate cards.  Some say the older nvidia driver worked fine 173 or something, but i've tried that nothing diferent. it seems to be a Ubuntu only problem..

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