How do you change the default opening application?

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Aug 5 22:04:36 UTC 2009

On 08/05/2009 09:59 AM, marc wrote:
> Chris Jones wrote:
>> marc wrote:
>>> Changing the default app for an exisiting mime-type is simple, but
>>> how do you change the default app for "undefined" mime-types?
>>> When I open a file in a file manager, I want it to open in
>>> the appropriate application -- and most of the time it does. When the
>>> file's mime-type does not have an associated app, I want to open the
>>> file with my application of choice. How do I change this application?
>>> The problem I have at the moment is that, somehow, the .chm reader
>>> application that I have installed has become the "fall back"
>>> application, which is not a good thing.
>> Try right clicking on a file and poke around in the properties. I 
>> believe in there somewhere you can change the default application 
>> associated to the file type.

Right click and select Properties|Open With|Add
You can then add the application if it's not already there. Select 'Use
Custom Command to put in the path of the app if it's not listed in your

> Yup, I know how to do it for a mime-type, it's the undefined cases I
> need to fix. Thanks anyway.

For adding new mime types, perhaps:

<"mime-type"&btnG=Google+Search> (enter mime in the search box)
will help?

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