Lost 40 GB after update to 9.04

Tony Baldwin photodharma at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 14:15:42 UTC 2009

Ashley Benton wrote:
> Hi,
> After updating from 8.10 the hard drive is now 40 GB instead of 80 GB. I 
> tried to use gparted to fix the problem but it also see only 40 GB. How 
> can I find the 40 GB lost and add them to the home directory? Any idea 
> why the computer lost 40 GB?

This happened to me once.
I don't recall how it was rememedied, unfortunately, but likely
there is something in the list archives.
It was eventually sorted out, and I sure that whatever solution was 
found, I did post back to the list.

good luck,

free/open source software
tcl yer os with a feather...

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