Converting .ogg to .wmv or .mp4, .mpeg

Chris Jones jonesc at
Wed Aug 5 09:55:23 UTC 2009

> OK, your command there shows converting to .avi format, but is it also 
> possible to convert to .wmv or .mpg format as well with ffmpeg?

I am not sure, but I suggest making sure you are completely up to date 
with all the codecs that are available. The more you have the better 
your chances. First make sure you have all the repos, Universe, 
Multiverse and importantly Medibuntu. Then fire up synaptic (or whatever 
you prefer) and search for anything that looks like it might be to do 
with audio codecs - I find matches to things like 'codec', 'extra', 
'mp3' or 'ugly' usually find most things, but anything that springs to 
mind is OK. I've never broken a system by installing a pacakge from the 
main repos, so you should be save to install anything that looks 
interesting :)

For windows formats, look for win32codecs or win64codecs (might be 
called w32codecs or w64codecs, not sure).

cheers Chris

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