text editing in ubuntu

Hal Burgiss hal at burgiss.net
Tue Aug 4 21:56:57 UTC 2009

On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 03:24:58PM +0200, Odd wrote:
> I have to agree with Chris Jones. Stay away from vim or any variant of
> it. It's exactly the type of editor you're _not_ looking for.
> Perhaps mped would be a better editor for you.

I'll strongly agree with Tim, that [g]vim is a great, great tool for many
things including html editing. The biggest issue is that a default, bare metal
install of vim has no configuration whatsoever and is awkward as hell for
people who have not had the pleasure before. Simple things become very
difficult. I have often wondered why distros don't include a simple, default
.vimrc that mimics something like gedit just to get people over the first few
hours of hell. 

Once you find out the few things that drive you crazy and then realize there
is a one line config setting for those to make vim do whatever you want, life
gets much easier and you have a great, powerful tool. There is nothing to stop
gvim from behaving just like gedit, or whatever editor you want. Of course,
you also have all the raw power of [g]vim also.

A simple, sane ~/.vimrc that starts vim in insertmode, and has shortcut keys
for saving/quiting:

set insertmode				" starts vi/vim/gvim in insert mode
set nocompatible			" nix on vi compatibility
set ignorecase				" ignore case on seaches
set backspace=2			" allow backspace over everything
set textwidth=78			" text will wrap at col. 78, disable with 0
set backup				" automatically makes backup -- "~"
set backupdir=/tmp				" where ~ files wind up.
set mouse=a				" mouse, always 
set whichwrap=b,s,<,>,[,]	" move past end of line with cursor keys
set autoindent				" indent to match previous line
set hlsearch				" Switch on search pattern highlighting.
set go=eagrt				" Gui Options for menu, scrollbars, Toolbar (T), Tab t, etc
						" Menu on, Autoselect, Grey non-selectable 
                              " menu items, Righthand scrollbar
set wrap                      " wrap long lines
set linebreak                 " break only on a space
set gdefault                  " replace all matches on line
set incsearch                 " highlight search item, b4 command is finished

set ttymouse=xterm2           " better mouse handling
syntax on

map! <F7> # <left><left><down>

autocmd BufRead *.sh,*.xml,*.vim,*.c,*.h,*.tcl,*htm*,.vimrc,*.php,*phtml,*.js,*.css,*.conf set textwidth=0 nowrap
autocmd BufRead *.c,*.h,*.tcl,*htm*,*.php,*phtml,*.js set number
autocmd BufRead *.php,*.js,*.phtml map! <F7> /**

" return to same point in file.
au BufReadPost *  if line("'\"") > 0|if line("'\"") <= line("$")|exe("norm '\"")|else|exe "norm $"|endif|endif

" key mappings ...                   
" ==========================================================================

" start from scratch ...

:if $TERM !~ "linux" 
   map <C-End> 
   map <C-Home> 

   vmap <C-End> 
   vmap <C-Home> 


" ALT-C, copy to clipboard ....
" Mon 04/10/00 11:22:53 AM
vmap c "*y
vmap <M-c> "*y

" ALT-D, delete 1 line
map! d :d<CR>
map! <M-d> :d<CR>

" ALT-P, paste from clipboard ...
map! p P
map! <M-p> P

" ALT-R, reread current file, ie start over ....
map! r 
map! <M-r> 

" ALT-T, cut to clipboard ...
vmap t d
vmap <M-t> d
map <M-t> x

" ALT-U, undo ....
map! u u
map! <M-u> u
map u u
map <M-u> u
map <C-z> ^Ou
map <C-z> ^Ou

" ALT-X, enter EX (command) mode ...
map! x :
map! <M-x> :
map <ESC>x :
map <ESC><M-x> :
vmap <M-x> <ESC>:

""""""" Function Keys ....
" F2 is search .... Save cursor position.
map! <F2> 
map <F2> mz<insert><C-Right>/

" CTRL-F2 is search/replace all .... Save cursor position.
map! [12^ 
map! <C-F2> 
map! O1;5Q 

" F3, exit w/o saving ...
nmap <F3> q!
map! <F3> 
map  <F3> :q!<CR>
vmap <F3> <ESC>:q!
" 2009-06-16 MS compat.
map <C-q> q!
map! <C-q> 
map  <C-q> :q!<CR>
vmap <C-q> <ESC>^O:q!

"Alt F3, exit All tabs w/o saving ...
nmap <M-F3> qa!
map! <M-F3> 
map  <M-F3> :qa!<CR>
vmap <M-F3> <ESC>:qa!

" F4, save and then exit
map! <F4> 
map <F4> :wq<CR>
vmap <F4> <ESC>:wq<CR>

"ALT F4, save and then exit ALL
map! <M-F4> 
map <M-F4> :wqa<CR>
vmap <M-F4> <ESC>:wqa<CR>

" F5 reflow text
"map Q gq<CR>
map! <F5> gq<CR>

" F7 is specially mapped for a comment char -- see above

" abbreviations ...
" ====================================================================== 

" date/time macros, etc ...

iab ddate <C-R>=strftime( "%m/%d/%y" )<left>
iab adate <C-R>=strftime( "%Y-%m-%d" )<left>
iab tdate <C-R>=strftime( "%a %m/%d/%y %r" )<left>

"==== eof .vimrc


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